Principled, Organized, Detail-Oriented.

Choosing the right lawyer is always a matter of trust, but what sets a great lawyer apart? The most important criteria include professional expertise, a deep understanding of the legal environment in the country where you do business and a disciplined and structured method of working. As a lawyer with several years of professional experience in Germany and Colombia, I meet precisely these requirements. On a more personal level, I stand out for being frank and honest.
I was born in Hamburg, Germany and grew up near Lake Constance. After studying Law at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, I honed my professional skills working in various capacities throughout Europe and Latin America. I moved to Colombia in 2013 and have been working as an independent lawyer in the city of Medellín (capital of the Department of Antioquia) since 2016.
Christoph Möller, LL.M.
> Strengths
I have a strong understanding of linguistics, and I speak five languages: German, Spanish, English, Portuguese and French. I know the Colombian market and the local customs. I am known for my solid academic background, structured and goal-oriented work style, as well as for having timely, clear, confident and trustworthy communication with my clients.
> Mobility
In addition to having a client base in the greater Medellín area, I take on business throughout Colombia. I work regularly in Bogotá, the coffee-growing region (especially Pereira), Cali, Bucaramanga, and the Caribbean Coast including Cartagena, Barranquilla, and Santa Marta.
> Fees
I use several different fee schedules for my legal services, such as hourly billing, tailor-made offers based on individual needs or performance-based fees. I also offer advisory services and long-term support with fixed rates for businesses.
2002High School Graduate at Überlingen, Germany, near Lake Constance.
2002 - 2003Military service in the German Federal Army Center for Operative Communications in Mayen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.
2003 - 2010
Combined studies in German and French law at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich and the University Paris II (Pantheon-Assas), specializing in European Law and Business Law.
2007 - 2008
Internship with the Bernardo Advogados law firm in Salvador da Bahía (Brazil) and in the Paraguayan-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Asunción, Paraguay, financed through student work at the Linklaters LLP international law firm of Munich.
2010Completion of law degree in Bavaria. First official legal exam completed with honors (Prädikatsexamen - vollbefriedigend), Licence en Droit and Master's degree in European Union Law in France.
2011 - 2012Scientific collaborator in the Baker McKenzie international law firm in Munich, Department of Mergers and Acquisitions (practice group M&A).
2011 - 2013
Legal internship for the Free State of Bavaria, with positions in the High Regional Court of Munich, the District Court of Munich (criminal law), the District Prefecture of Munich and a law firm with international focus in Bogotá, Colombia.
Second official legal exam in Bavaria with honors (Prädikatsexamen - vollbefriedigend) and admission as a lawyer by the Bar Association of Munich.
2013 - 2014
Master’s Degree (LL.M.) at the University of Santo Tomás de Aquino in Bogotá. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholar, master’s thesis on the system of public procurement legislation in Colombia.
2014Admission as a Lawyer in Colombia by the High Board of Judiciary (Consejo Superior de la Judicatura), Sectional Board of Bogotá.
2014 - 2016
Collaborator of Parra Rodríguez Abogados (PRA), Bogotá, specialized in international business law, in charge of the compliance and immigration law departments, planning of Colombian market entry of various foreign business groups.
2016Formation of the CM Legal Law Firm in Medellín, Antioquia.
Since 2016Creation of a broad-based clientele, mainly foreign investors and both national and international businesses from a variety of sectors.