Colombia is a country which offers a favorable environment for business and has recently experienced a significant increase in foreign investment. The simplified joint stock company, or S.A.S., has been established as a typical vehicle for business formation.
On the other hand, there are many laws and regulations that must be observed from the time of company formation or entry into the Colombian market, or risk facing inevitable legal problems. In this context, it is worth noting there are provisions in Colombian labor law that favor employees and that there are numerous obligations imposed on businesses by Colombian tax law. When writing contracts with suppliers, clients or associated companies, the utmost attention to detail is required in order to be prepared in the case of default by the other party.
CM Legal represents and advises companies from various sectors throughout Colombia to ensure that their business operations are correctly and properly performed from a legal perspective. These industries include: tourism, hotel, gastronomic, automotive, construction and non-profit organization sectors.